2 natural stones bangle


Jasper is considered a Power Stone and a Protection Stone. Jasper gives one the courage to speak out and have personal independence. Its a stone of the earth, and therefore a very “grounding” stone. All Jaspers  have excellent protective energies, although it is not the “quick energy lift” of others. Think of the term “Solid as a Rock” and Jasper comes to mind.

SKU: 11012 Category:

naturals tone 25 mm
inner circumference 17,5 cm

Rose Quartz is a calming and reassuring crystal, excellent for use in trauma or crisis. The soft pink emanations of Rose Quartz comforts and heals any wounds the heart has suffered, penetrating the inner chambers of the Heart Chakra where emotional experiences are recorded and stored. It dissolves the sorrows, worries, fears, and resentments suppressing the heart’s ability to give and receive love, and replaces it with healing, comfort and inner nourishment. According to crystal healing rose quartz increases sensitivity, empathy and helpfulness.It helps more clearly perceive one’s own needs and those of other people and to support their fulfillment. Rose quartz stands for heart power, romantic and love ability. The rose quartz is connected with emotions and love. This is a stone of warmth and love, as it heals emotional wounds and pain with it’s gentle calming salve. Opens the heart to the beauty within and all around us, and will begin its healing by reducing resentments. As Amethyst is to the Spirit, so Rose Quartz is to the Heart. It gives Self-Acceptance, Self Love, and Personal Worth Enhances all forms of love: self love, mother love, caring, kindness, platonic and romantic love. Kindness: Opens our hearts and encourages us to be tender, peaceful and gentle. Teaches forgiveness and tolerance. Attracts: Emanates unconditional love and nurturance and helps us attract positive, gentle, non-judgemental love into our lives. Star signs: Cancer, Capricorn, Taurus, Libra, Aquarius

Jasper (red): Jasper is considered a Power Stone and a Protection Stone. Jasper gives one the courage to speak out and have personal independence. Its a stone of the earth, and therefore a very “grounding” stone. All Jaspers  have excellent protective energies, although it is not the “quick energy lift” of others. Think of the term “Solid as a Rock” and Jasper comes to mind. It is a stone that works slowly, providing constant, slow, deliberate energy, especially good in time of needed change without the chaos a total upheaval would cause. A good stone for working with shy or timid people who need change. Justice: Jasper was once considered a Warriors Stone, so it knows of loyalty, inner strength, and standing up for what you believe in.  A power stone for those who stand for justice and fair play, especially useful for those whose job it is rectify unjust situations. Protection: From other people, forces, and from yourself! It can keep you from getting carried away, or lead astray, and being diverted from your goals. Courage: Help to give you courage in preparation for conflict, either physical or emotional.