The Tree of Life e. The Tree of Life – all-encompassing cohesion. A mystical and magical tree that is well known through many cultures going back to ancient times. Different races and religions call it by different names, each with their own tree in their own mythology. They all have a similar meaning as a source of life. It has all the characteristics and meanings of a tree in its own right. All the parts of the tree are represented symbolically: the root deep in the earth, the trunk creating the base, the branches reaching out, the leaves gathering strength and the fruit bearing fruit. The tree of life represents all aspects of humanity and the universe. Trees represent the values to which people aspire: beauty, nobility, strength and resilience. People are fragments of the Tree of Light. The tree of the air must succumb to the yoke of time and mortality, but shrouds humans and gods in its protective canopy. Although the trees cannot move, their strength, their straightness, their participation in the changing seasons, their longevity, and finally their death by disease, fire or the axe of the wrath of the wrathful make them a powerful metaphor for human life. The tree of life represents all 4 elements, earth, air, fire, water. The union of all of these creates the life-giving power of the Tree of Life. see more here
Golden ebony pendant
5,00 €
metal alloy
25 x 12 mm