Sandalwood essential oil 10 ml


One of the most precious oils. Promotes a sense of self-confidence and well-being, often used in the treatment of stress-related problems. Helps to focus. Used for cleansing wounds, preventing flu, treating diarrhoea. Treats cystitis and vaginal infections. When used in a vaporizer, relieves anxiety and tension, insomnia and is also an aphrodisiac, reducing impotence and frigidity. For coughs, colds and bronchitis.

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steam distillation

SANDLIPUU (SANTALUM ALBUM)- ONLY AVAILABLE IN INDIA! One of the most precious oils. Promotes a sense of self-confidence and well-being, often used in the treatment of stress-related problems. Helps to focus.

SANDLWOOD – Amyris Balsamifera is used for twigs and wood It is similar to ordinary sandalwood but is more expensive. Because of its high oil content, it burns like a candle and is also called candle wood. One of the most precious oils. It promotes a sense of self-confidence and well-being, and is often used in the treatment of stress-related problems. Helps to focus. Used for cleansing wounds, preventing flu, treating diarrhoea. Treats cystitis and vaginal infections. When used in a vaporizer, relieves anxiety and tension, insomnia and is also an aphrodisiac, reducing impotence and frigidity. For coughs, colds and bronchitis. Its calming properties aid meditation. Muscle relaxant and softener.