Banjara Resin Cups


This valuable resin is harvested from exotic trees found in the enchanting Banjara region of India. It is known for its purity, captivating aroma and unique properties that make it a treasure for connoisseurs and incense lovers.

The Banjara Region: 

The Banjara region, located in northwest India, is a true gem for nature and culture lovers. Famous for its picturesque scenery, majestic mountains and vast forests, Banjara is also recognized as the place of origin of the tree from which our resin is obtained.

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Banjara Resin is special in several ways: Delicious Aroma: Banjara resin emanates an enveloping, woody and slightly sweet aroma that takes the senses on an olfactory journey. Its subtle aroma creates a calming and relaxing environment, ideal for meditation, relaxation and spiritual rituals. Purification and Blessings: Traditionally, Banjara resin is used to purify the air and bless spaces. It is often burned in temples, places of worship and homes to create a sacred atmosphere. Ritual and Meditation: Spiritual practitioners use it to open the doors of consciousness during meditation sessions, promoting concentration and inner connection.



white sage, dragon blood