Carnelian/picture jasper elatsic bracelet/anklet


natural stone beads 6-10 mm

glass beads 7 mm

elastic 21-24 cm wrist


1 in stock

Picture Jasper is particularly conducive to joining with the energies of Mother Earth and all levels of the Goddess energies. Picture Jasper is said to be Mother Earth speaking to her children with a message from the past for those who can read her pictures. This stone helps one connect with the energy of the planet in order to heal the emotional body. Worn for extended periods of time, Picture Jasper brings hidden feelings to the surface. Provides a calm, harmonious energy for meditation. They are ideal for grounding and centering at the beginning of a ritual, and ease the transition to a meditative state. Picture Jasper is particularly conducive to joining with the energies of Mother Earth and all levels of the Goddess energies. Its beautiful lines, shades, and shadows are highly conducive to dream work and visioning and may be utilized for divination or foretelling the future. 

Carnelian Its function is the same with bloodstone. It can detoxify your liver and blood. This stone can also help you relieve your lower back pain, cramps and arthritis. It can also help in relieving the symptoms of allergies. Wearing red and orange stone as a pendant or ring will also give you confidence and a great feeling. In antiquity, as well as today, Carnelian is believed to help timid speakers become both eloquent and bold. It lends the courage needed to help overcome difficulties and defend a cause. It promotes idealism, a sense of community and pragmatism. Carnelian is a stabilizing crystal, perfect for anchoring in the present. Its high energy helps restore lost vitality, motivation, and stimulates creativity for new pursuits. A famous imam, Jafar, taught that this stone would bring satisfaction to the desires of any who wore it. Modern writers find that Carnelian has the power to build confidence and increase our zest for life.